Well, life is good. I recently visited Jana's family in Denver and Kristen's family in Florida, and I had so many great experiences and got to spend time with such wonderful people. I was very impressed how both families were really on the right track in the grand scheme of things and I hope to learn from their examples. I also really loved seeing how the little nieces and nephew have learned and progressed so much, with their own unique personalities and challenges, and I was in awe of what amazing parents my sisters and brothers-in-law are. For pictures, look at my Facebook; I'm too lazy to re-post them here.
So, school doesn't start til the 26th, in the meantime I'm trying to busy myself with social activities, dating, music, studying Japanese, getting in shape, working around the house/yard, studying piano tuning, and working on my little piano teaching business. Although I'm anxious to begin school again, I'm also trying to appreciate the here and now.
The Lord has really been blessing me recently; I've had some prayers answered, been able to attend the temple frequently, had a miraculous opportunity to share the Gospel, and was asked to give a blessing.
Way cool, Nathan!
We are so glad you could visit, Nathan, and that things are going well. Have a great day.
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