Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ether 5-6; Journey

No not the band. That would be awesome. So Ether 6 is the story of the Jaredites crossing the ocean. And I'm trying to draw some parallels.

Overall, the trip could represent our whole lives, or possibly some particular chapter of it, or maybe an assignment, seeing as crossing the ocean was an assignment that God gave the Jaredites. All/any of the above I'm sure. For me, God has given me an assignment and I'll try to think of it in that light.

Stones: Resources that God gives us to have light on our journey. The light is a result of being touched by the finger of God. Scriptures, revelation, prophets.

v4 Preparation, "commending themselves unto the Lord their God" - we do the best we can and leave the rest to God. Consecrate our efforts.

Furious wind: has kind of a negative connotation but the result was good, and it "did never cease to blow towards the promised land". I'm going to go with trials - they have a negative connotation but they push us on our journey and we can be grateful for them. Opposition is relentless but it helps us progress and it keeps us on our knees as long as we choose to respond that way.

Water: temptation? also trials? something that could bury us

v6 "no water that could hurt them, their vessels being tight like unto a dish" gonna go with either keeping covenants or also the support systems that we have around us - family, church.

v7 when encompassed about, prayed, were brought out again.

v9 song and gratitude for the Lord's help.

1 comment:

Corinne said...

We're reading in Ether now too. This is a cool blog, Nathan! I like your application of "furious winds"; they can be directed by the Lord to move us where he wants us.