Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ether 4; Love

This is actually yesterday's post; I just didn't push the button apparently.

Ether 4:12 "Whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me" - can use this to determine whether a thought is worth thinking - does it lead me to do good, can I feel the Spirit while thinking it, does it make me/others happy?

D&C 50:26-28 "He that is ordained of God and sent forth ... is possessor of all things ... No man is possessor of all things except he be purified and cleansed from all sin." Doing everything in worthiness, repentance, and keeping covenants is essential if you want to have guidance and God's power helping you.

We should love people as Christ loves them - how does Christ love them? Moroni 7:45 How can beautiful things, flowers etc remind of us of Christ? They are often symbolic of the love of God or eternal life - "it shall be a tree springing up in you unto eternal life" etc.

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