So, it snowed today and it took over an hour to drive into downtown this morning - luckily I left way early and made it to class on time.
On the way I listened to Elder Keith B McMullin's talk "The Power of the Aaronic Priesthood" and Elder Eyring's talk "Preparation in the Priesthood". I was most impressed with the idea of duty in the first talk, and the idea of how Elder Eyring's Bishop treated him according to the potential that the Bishop saw in him. I felt impressed to study more about and explicitly list all of my Priesthood duties to make sure that I do them, and to try to see people's potential and treat them accordingly.
During class I started working on my "thankful list" that my home teachers invited me to make last month that I had forgotten. As I worked on it I felt the Spirit and had some great insights that I won't post here. So much better than the lecture! (I actually payed attention also believe it or not though I'm not usually a great multi-tasker)
And I also read Ether 1. I usually don't get the most out of Ether because of the tendency for there to be long lists, etc, but the last verse struck me: "And there shall be none greater than the nation which I will raise up unto me of thy seed, upon all the face of the earth. And thus I will do unto thee because this long time ye have cried unto me". So, sustained prayer was the cause, that's important. Also what hit me is that that great nation fell. I feel like there's times in my life when I've been sustained and had a lot of success and times when I've fallen. Change is constant, so you can't let up that praying and repenting and relying on the Lord, because if you're not progressing you're regressing.
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