1-3: putting previous direction into action
4-6: Lord stands in a cloud and directs them "continually" - occasionally I feel like if I pray too much or try to get revelation on everything always, I am being weak or not developing my own strength enough - obviously that is is false as we are told to "counsel with the Lord in all thy doings", about what we do, where we go, focusing all of our thoughts and the affections of our hearts to God. (Alma 37:36-7) - pray in our fields, houses, closets, secret places, wilderness, for mercy, over our households, against our enemies and the devil, for increase in our flocks and crops, always even if only in our hearts, and then put into practice what we believe. (Alma 34:17-28)
13: waited for 4 years - patiently waiting for the Lord's timing
14: "And for the space of three hours did the Lord talk with the brother of Jared, and chastened him because he remembered not to call upon the name of the Lord." - we need to be willing to be corrected and chastened by the Lord
15-17: repents and puts the revelations into action
18-19: reports back and asks a specific question
22: ditto
25: Lord asks the b-of-J what he wants - this shows to me that the b-of-J has earned the trust of the Lord - also this kind of goes back to my earlier thoughts about developing our own strength - there are plenty of opportunities to choose, grow, think on our own, etc. Praying and relying on the Lord and following His counsel doesn't prevent or contradict that.
Learned a lot here. Most importantly I was reminded of some specific counsel that the Lord has given me that I think I have sort of forgotten about or lost focus on and I need to bring to the forefront of my thoughts, and as I do that I'll get more specific direction since I will have been putting into practice the direction I have already been given.
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